14 research outputs found

    Beyond neurons and spikes: cognon, the hierarchical dynamical unit of thought

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    From the dynamical point of view, most cognitive phenomena are hierarchical, transient and sequential. Such cognitive spatio-temporal processes can be represented by a set of sequential metastable dynamical states together with their associated transitions: The state is quasi-stationary close to one metastable state before a rapid transition to another state. Hence, we postulate that metastable states are the central players in cognitive information processing. Based on the analogy of quasiparticles as elementary units in physics, we introduce here the quantum of cognitive information dynamics, which we term ‘‘cognon’’. A cognon, or dynamical unit of thought, is represented by a robust finite chain of metastable neural states. Cognons can be organized at multiple hierarchical levels and coordinate complex cognitive information representations. Since a cognon is an abstract conceptualization, we link this abstraction to brain sequential dynamics that can be measured using common modalities and argue that cognons and brain rhythms form binding spatiotemporal complexes to keep simultaneous dynamical information which relate the ‘what’, ‘where’ and ‘when’This work was supported by Grants PGC2018- 095895-B-I00 and PID2021-122347NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF –‘‘A way of making Europe’

    Modeling the sequential pattern variability of the electromotor command system of pulse electric fish

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    This study was supported by AEI/FEDER grants TIN2017-84452-R, PID2020-114867RB-I00, and PGC2018-095895-B-I0

    Margarita Salas Falgueras: Ciencia y entorno

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    Automatized offline and online exploration to achieve a target dynamics in biohybrid neural circuits built with living and model neurons

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    Biohybrid circuits of interacting living and model neurons are an advantageous means to study neural dynamics and to assess the role of specific neuron and network properties in the nervous system. Hybrid networks are also a necessary step to build effective artificial intelligence and brain hybridization. In this work, we deal with the automatized online and offline adaptation, exploration and parameter mapping to achieve a target dynamics in hybrid circuits and, in particular, those that yield dynamical invariants between living and model neurons. We address dynamical invariants that form robust cycle-by-cycle relationships between the intervals that build neural sequences from such interaction. Our methodology first attains automated adaptation of model neurons to work in the same amplitude regime and time scale of living neurons. Then, we address the automatized exploration and mapping of the synapse parameter space that lead to a specific dynamical invariant target. Our approach uses multiple configurations and parallel computing from electrophysiological recordings of living neurons to build full mappings, and genetic algorithms to achieve an instance of the target dynamics for the hybrid circuit in a short time. We illustrate and validate such strategy in the context of the study of functional sequences in neural rhythms, which can be easily generalized for any variety of hybrid circuit configuration. This approach facilitates both the building of hybrid circuits and the accomplishment of their scientific goalThis research was supported by grants AEI/FEDER PID2021-122347NB-100, PGC2018-095895-B-I00, and PID2020- 114867RB-I00 (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and ERDF - "A way of making Europe”


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    A pesar del reconocimiento de la importancia de tomar en cuenta las relaciones entre los contenidos de la formación profesional y el ejercicio de la labor correspondiente, aún no se esclarecen con suficiente precisión, a nuestro juicio,  los vínculos entre los mismos, y ello conduce a la comisión de tan frecuentes como lamentables errores, tanto en la concepción teórica subyacente como en la práctica de la formación profesional. El artículo aborda una arista de la problemática que pareciera estar debidamente puntualizada; sin embargo, las insatisfacciones de los organismos empleadores respecto a la calidad de la preparación de los egresados que reciben, las opiniones de los profesionales en formación inicial acerca de cuán pertrechados salen de las aulas universitarias para identificar y resolver los problemas inherentes al objeto de la profesión, así como la constatación empírica aportan elementos que atestiguan la persistencia de inconsistencias que hacen aconsejable llamar la atención de modo enfático sobre la necesidad de replantear, desde la indagación científica, la cuestión que nos ocupa. Así, se pretende llevar a cabo una aproximación a uno de los enlaces pedagógicos más sobresalientes, el que alude a la comprensión de los nexos entre las tareas pedagógicas, su esencia, la posesión de las correspondientes competencias profesionales y la concepción curricular que condiciona los derroteros de la formación inicial en las carreras pedagógicas. Se profundiza en la revelación de las causas y se ofrece una propuesta para conferir tangibilidad a la valoración de la calidad de la formación profesional

    Hacia un proceso penal más reparador y resocializador: avances desde la justicia terapéutica

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    La obra que se presenta al lector trata de dar a conocer la Justicia Terapéutica a los investigadores y profesionales que trabajan en su día a día con personas que se enfrentan a un proceso penal, ya sea como víctima o victimario, para mostrarles una visión distinta de nuestro sistema de justicia penal que pueda ofrecer una respuesta más humana. Para cumplir ese objetivo, se inicia la obra con tres capítulos, que pueden considerarse introductorios, en los que se parte del concepto de Justicia Terapéutica desde sus orígenes en Estados Unidos, con las obras de los Profesores Wexler y Winick, para diferenciarla después de la justicia restaurativa y resaltar la importancia de formar a los operadores jurídicos en Justicia Terapéutica para de esta forma poner a su disposición nuevas herramientas en su quehacer diario que redunden en beneficio de quienes están involucrados en el proceso penal. A partir de aquí y a lo largo de los capítulos siguientes se van analizando las distintas figuras jurídicas propias del proceso penal y los programas de intervención con víctimas o victimarios que encajan con los postulados de la Justicia Terapéutica.Presentación / Esther Pillado González (pp. 11-12). -- Aproximación al concepto de justicia terapéutica / Esther Pillado González (pp. 13-24). -- Justicia restaurativa y justicia terapéutica: hacia una praxis reflexiva de transgresiones disciplinares / Gema Varona Martínez (pp. 25- 55). -- Formación de los operadores jurídicos en justicia terapéutica / Tamara Martínez Soto (pp. 57-90). -- Desistimiento en supuestos de delitos leves y conformidad como manifestaciones de justicia terapéutica / María Dolores Fernández Fustes (pp. 91-124). -- Mediación y justicia terapéutica / Silvia Barona Vilar (pp. 125-168). -- La denominada prisión provisional "atenuada" como manifestación de justicia terapéutica en el Derecho Español / Pablo Grande Seara (pp. 169-201). -- La protección de la víctima del delito desde el punto de vista de la justicia terapéutica / Izaskun Porres García (pp. 203-223). -- Prueba pericial psicológica en víctimas de violencia de género con enfoque de justicia terapéutica / Ramón Arce Fernández, Francisca Fariña Rivera, Mercedes Novo Pérez y Dolores Seijo Martínez (pp. 225-249). -- Evaluación e intervención con víctimas menores de edad desde la perspectiva de la justicia terapéutica. Especial referencia a las víctimas de abuso sexual infantil / Noemí Pereda Beltran y Mila Arch Marín (pp. 251-281). -- La función del juez en la determinación y ejecución de las sanciones penales privativas de libertad / Ignacio José Subijana Zunzunegui (pp. 283-311). -- A propósito de la suspensión ampliada de la pena: algunas notas sobre el acuerdo alcanzado en virtud de mediación / Fernando Vázquez-Portomeñe Seijas (pp. 313-338). -- La regulación de la libertad condicional para internos primarios: una lectura desde la justicia terapéutica / Natalia Pérez Rivas (pp. 339-372). -- Aplicación de la justicia terapeútica en la intervención con hombres que han ejercido violencia de género / Francisca Fariña Rivera, Mercedes Novo Pérez, Dolores Seijo Martínez y Ramón Arce Fernández (pp. 373-396). -- Intervención en agresores sexuales: aportaciones de la justicia terapéutica / Rui Abruhnosa Gonçalves (pp. 397-404). -- Próximos pasos en el desarrollo de la justicia terapéutica / David B. Wexler y Karla G. González Vázquez (pp. 405-412)

    Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol

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    High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries(1,2). However, dietary and behavioural determinants of blood cholesterol are changing rapidly throughout the world(3) and countries are using lipid-lowering medications at varying rates. These changes can have distinct effects on the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, which have different effects on human health(4,5). However, the trends of HDL and non-HDL cholesterol levels over time have not been previously reported in a global analysis. Here we pooled 1,127 population-based studies that measured blood lipids in 102.6 million individuals aged 18 years and older to estimate trends from 1980 to 2018 in mean total, non-HDL and HDL cholesterol levels for 200 countries. Globally, there was little change in total or non-HDL cholesterol from 1980 to 2018. This was a net effect of increases in low- and middle-income countries, especially in east and southeast Asia, and decreases in high-income western countries, especially those in northwestern Europe, and in central and eastern Europe. As a result, countries with the highest level of non-HDL cholesterol-which is a marker of cardiovascular riskchanged from those in western Europe such as Belgium, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Malta in 1980 to those in Asia and the Pacific, such as Tokelau, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand. In 2017, high non-HDL cholesterol was responsible for an estimated 3.9 million (95% credible interval 3.7 million-4.2 million) worldwide deaths, half of which occurred in east, southeast and south Asia. The global repositioning of lipid-related risk, with non-optimal cholesterol shifting from a distinct feature of high-income countries in northwestern Europe, north America and Australasia to one that affects countries in east and southeast Asia and Oceania should motivate the use of population-based policies and personal interventions to improve nutrition and enhance access to treatment throughout the world.Peer reviewe

    Automatic Adaptation of Model Neurons and Connections to Build Hybrid Circuits with Living Networks

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    Hybrid circuits built by creating mono- or bi-directional interactions among living cells and model neurons and synapses are an effective way to study neuron, synaptic and neural network dynamics. However, hybrid circuit technology has been largely underused in the context of neuroscience studies mainly because of the inherent difficulty in implementing and tuning this type of interactions. In this paper, we present a set of algorithms for the automatic adaptation of model neurons and connections in the creation of hybrid circuits with living neural networks. The algorithms perform model time and amplitude scaling, real-time drift adaptation, goal-driven synaptic and model tuning/calibration and also automatic parameter mapping. These algorithms have been implemented in RTHybrid, an open-source library that works with hard real-time constraints. We provide validation examples by building hybrid circuits in a central pattern generator. The results of the validation experiments show that the proposed dynamic adaptation facilitates closed-loop communication among living and artificial model neurons and connections, and contributes to characterize system dynamics, achieve control, automate experimental protocols and extend the lifespan of the preparationsThis work was supported by MINECO/ FEDER PGC2018-095895-B-I00, DPI2015-65833-P, TIN2017-84452-R and ONRG grant N62909-14-1-N27

    Additive and Dominance Genomic Analysis for Litter Size in Purebred and Crossbred Iberian Pigs

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    INGA FOOD S. A., as a Spanish company that produces and commercializes fattened pigs, has produced a hybrid Iberian sow called CASTÚA by crossing the Retinto and Entrepelado varieties. The selection of the parental populations is based on selection criteria calculated from purebred information, under the assumption that the genetic correlation between purebred and crossbred performance is high; however, these correlations can be less than one because of a GxE interaction or the presence of non-additive genetic effects. This study estimated the additive and dominance variances of the purebred and crossbred populations for litter size, and calculated the additive genetic correlations between the purebred and crossbred performances. The dataset consisted of 2030 litters from the Entrepelado population, 1977 litters from the Retinto population, and 1958 litters from the crossbred population. The individuals were genotyped with a GeneSeek ® GGP Porcine70K HDchip. The model of analysis was a 'biological' multivariate mixed model that included additive and dominance SNP effects. The estimates of the additive genotypic variance for the total number born (TNB) were 0.248, 0.282 and 0.546 for the Entrepelado, Retinto and Crossbred populations, respectively. The estimates of the dominance genotypic variances were 0.177, 0.172 and 0.262 for the Entrepelado, Retinto and Crossbred populations. The results for the number born alive (NBA) were similar. The genetic correlations between the purebred and crossbred performance for TNB and NBA-between the brackets-were 0.663 in the Entrepelado and 0.881 in Retinto poplulations. After backsolving to obtain estimates of the SNP effects, the additive genetic variance associated with genomic regions containing 30 SNPs was estimated, and we identified four genomic regions that each explained > 2% of the additive genetic variance in chromosomes (SSC) 6, 8 and 12: one region in SSC6, two regions in SSC8, and one region in SSC12

    Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos (Vol. 18 1995)

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    El Anuario del Centro de Estudios Martianos es la publicación insignia de esta institución y heredera directa del Anuario Martiano de la Biblioteca Nacional José Martí, que se publicó entre 1969 y 1977, bajo la dirección del poeta y ensayista Cintio Vitier. Desde que salió a la luz su primera entrega, en 1978, se han publicado treinta y cinco números, en los que aparecen artículos y ensayos de importantes estudiosos de la vida y obra del Apóstol, en Cuba y el resto del mundo. En sus secciones fijas (Otros textos de José Martí, Documentos, Estudios y aproximaciones, Vigencias, Publicaciones, Bibliografía, Constante) y los apartados especiales, los lectores pueden conocer disímiles temas del quehacer martiano internacional, en el año que termina además de mantenerse al tanto de las últimas contribuciones de los promotores e investigadores de la obra martiana en el orbe